torstai 14. toukokuuta 2015

Raahelaisilla tarinoilla kohti Italiaa

Yhteistyössä tokaluokkalaisten ja kutosluokkalaisten kanssa koululla on viime viikkoina kuvitettu ja käännetty raahelaisia tarinoita englanniksi. Marja- ja Mira-opet ovat tutustuneet Raahen historiallisiin tarinoihin ja kuvittaneet tarinoita tokaluokkalaisten kanssa. Kirsi-Marja -ope on kääntänyt tarinoita englanniksi yhteistyössä kuudesluokkalaisten kanssa. 
Tässä on tarina Lapaluodon kauniista Gunillasta:

Lapaluodon kaunis Gunilla
Beautifull Gunilla of Lapaluoto

In Raahe, there is a place called Lapaluoto.In  1800,  a seacaptain lived there in a house with his beautiful daughter. Her name was Gunilla. Gunilla’s mother had died.

Gunilla fell in love with a handsome fisherman.Gunilla wanted to marry him.Her dad didn’t accept that.Gunilla`s dad forced him to leave.Gunilla had to stay in Raahe.

One day nobody knew where Gunilla was. Gunilla had disappeared. Anyone didn´t know where,how and why. Her body was never found. Did Gunilla jump down from the balcony? Did she drown herself?. Did her father shoot her? A bullet hole was found in the wall of the villa. These issues have been open over a hundred years without an answer.

Gunilla became a ghost. She threw things at night,she also made scary noises.Her dad was desperate and he invited Gunilla’s lover, the fisherman, to visit Raahe.Her  dad thought that she would calm down if she sees him one more time. The man accepted the invitation and came to visit Lapaluoto.

Gunilla came at midnight as her dad had hoped. The old fisherman got up from his chair and walked slowly towards Gunilla. When the lovers meet each others again, the man dropped dead on the floor.

What happened in that tragical night didn’t calm Gunilla down, even though she got her man back. Would there be even more horrible things to come? People didn’t even dare to think that.

Some people think that they have seen Gunilla. You can see a lady wearing a long dress moving on the waves.

One summer evening a man from Lapaluoto walked across the yard and noticed, that in front of the door, there was a woman. Suddenly the woman disappeared. For a little while the woman stood inside the house by the window and she was wearing a black dress. Anybody lives in the house anymore...

The local tourist guides were having a meeting in the house of Gunilla. The evening went fine drinking coffee, and discussing. At midnight, the guides heard weird knocking from upstairs. The lights started blinking: They went off and then back on, bright as ever. The guides decided to turn the lights off and light candles. They continued the meeting with caution, everyone was holding on to the chairs they were sitting on because they had heard that Gunilla might easily pull the chair from underneath the person sitting on it.

Animals are told to be scared of Gunilla, too. Once an   army`s dog trainer was spending a night in Gunilla’s house with his dog. At midnight the dog had started to  growl. It had run upstairs and the dog just sat there in silence. The dog had been shaking, but there was nothing that could have made him calm down.

Scared people have run away from Gunila. A boss of a garden company tried to stay over night in the house of Gunilla. One night a beautiful woman come to her room.Then woman come across the room and went through closed door... the boss called a taxi and hurried to hotel for a night.

Text: 6th grades

Pictures: 2nd grades